Saturday, September 8, 2012


Today, I'm grateful for two reasons. My dear friend seems to feel better. I got a message from her, and I was very happy and relieved for that. Because lately I've been truly worried and prayed so much... If you really care about someone and love her, then her sorrow is your sorrow, and her happiness is your happiness - right? So my dear friend's better health is the best news I've heard for a long time!

Today, I also got my book finished. At last, it's completely done. Now I have two good reason to smile and feel relief. My humble thanks to God, who is really exist! To demonstrate my emotions at the moment, I add here one beautiful song. Video contains some wonderful images as well.

 P.S. 'Flower Girl', you can be sure that I will continue to praying for you every day! (^—^)


  1. Hi Teisuka,

    I'm really happy for you. I think we should be grateful all the time, even for the little but sweet things that happen in our lives. From your stories, I feel the "power of prayers." I think I should pray more every day.

    Congratulations on your book. What's it about? Is it in English? Could you share a little bit about it? Cheers. :-)

    1. Hello, Bao.

      Many thanks for visiting and for the congratulations. Glad to see you again, my friend. I definitely agree with you: we have reasons to be grateful every day (for some reasons), and we could also pray more. :) Earlier I almost lost my faith in prayer, but lately I've found it again, little by little.

      My book? In short, it tells about love. It's a novel (not English), genre is surrealism or magic realism. There is a man who want to "stop time" with the help of love. He try to find eternal love and keep his love alive for ever. Then he "breaks the walls" between the dreams and reality, and strange things begins to happen... and so on. Haha. ^^ It's a bit hard to explain. It's really weird and fantastical story, like a fairy tale for adults, but themes which I use, they are very true and important: faith, hope, love, the saving power of imagination, etc.

      Again, thank you for your interest and kind comment, Bao. I really appreciate that. I wish all the best to you and your loved ones. See you. :)

    2. Hi Teisuka,

      Your book really sounds interesting. I wish I could read it (I suppose it's too late to pick up another language now) -:)Actually, I really love fantasy stories about love -- that's why I love to watch such movies as Twilight (I like the first movie the most). I also love the classical Chinese fairy tale book "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi" (Strange Tales of A Lonely Studio), which features love stories between scholars and fox spirits. These kinds of stories are really appealing. Maybe each of us all wants to have a powerful yet loving partner? LOL

      I know you're going to have a one-week vacation. Hope you'll have a good time. See you...

    3. Hi Bao,

      Thank you very much for your compliment. 'Liao Zhai Zhi Yi' is one book which I need to familiarize myself, absolutely. I'm very interested in that kind of stuff. I know it well, but I haven't ever read the book yet. Japanese ghost stories are more well known to me.

      Actually, I have also an idea of the ghost-like love story, where young guy meets "nymph" (a beautiful female spirit, like "fox spirit"). But these are just possible ideas on my next book. I only know there will be love and big themes (like faith vs. atheism), and lot of strange things will happen to strange people... :D

      My vacation was not rest but more like working vacation. Anyway, it was nice change for me. Again, I wish you a Happy Moon Festival, Bao. Right now, it's beautiful full moon here, when I woke up at 4:10am. :)

