Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Traveling with the Angel

Icon of the Archangel Raphael.

I just read The Book of Tobit, written in the 2nd century BC and containing 14 short chapters. Very impressive and delightful little book. It's a book of scripture that is part of the Catholic and Orthodox biblical canon (The Bible). Instead, it usually doesn't belong to The Bible of the Protestants – they regard Tobit as apocryphal book.

The book tells of a man called Tobit who is righteous and had been blinded by a freak accident involving birds, and his son, Tobias who journeys out to collect a debt owed to his father but Tobias gets married on the way while being accompanied and guided by Raphael the Archangel who calls himself Azarias which means God helps, who also helps Tobias' wife and Tobit.

The Book of Tobit is also a love story in two ways: it tells us of God's love for man, and human love for human. A young woman named Sarah prays for death in despair. She has lost seven husbands (!) to the demon of lust (Asmodeus) who abducts and kills every man she marries on their wedding night before the marriage can be consummated. God sends the Archangel Raphael free Sarah from the demon.

Raphael tells Tobias of the beautiful Sarah, whom Tobias has the right to marry, because she is related to his tribe. He instructs the young man to burn the fish's liver and heart to drive away the demon when he attacks on the wedding night. The two marry, and the fumes of the burning organs drive the demon to Upper Egypt, where Raphael follows and binds him. Wow! Such a weird story.

There are really some mystical and strange aspect in this book, and momentarily it's even humorous. Well, Martin Luther called it comedy, but I think he was only partly right. For the most part, there is a very serious message in this book, comparing The Book of Job.

Are you interested to read this strange little travelling story? If so, please click here to find it. The book is available in English, in Russian and also in some other languages. Finnish version is available here.

May angel guide you, like he guided young Tobias on his journey. We are never alone in this world. We are surrounded by countless spirits – angels and demons. The spirit world is very real. Thank God, good is always stronger than evil.


Attachment: The Orthodox Christian prayer to your Guardian Angel

O Angel of Christ, holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me of everything I have done to offend you every day, and protect me from all influence and temptation of the evil one. May I never offend God by my sin. Pray for me to the Lord, that He may make me worthy of the grace of the All-holy Trinity, and of the Most Blessed Theotokos [the Mother of God], and of all the Saints. Amen.


  1. That sounds like some interesting reading from a long ago time Teisuka, never heard of it before......hope all is well in your world, have an amazing weekend my brother :) ...Glenn

    1. Hi Glenn. Many thanks for visiting and for your nice comment. I am okay, thanks for your good wishes, brother. Same to you! Yes, this is not very well known but more like "forgotten" book. I think that 90 % of my friends don't know it. And I just read it for the first time in my life. :) Anyway, The Book of Tobit is a fun and strange spiritual adventure. I really liked it. Have a wonderful weekend, my brother! :) Teisuka

  2. hi Teisuka^^/ how are you?
    thanks for the reminder of this book of the Old Testament. i just reread this book thanks to you. have a wonderful weekend my dear friend!^^ Nika

    1. Hi, Nikushka! ^^ Давно не виделись! Как дела? Thank you for being here today. I'm mostly okay, thanks for asking. Glad to hear that you also read this book. What did you like it? Have a wonderful weekend, my dear! See ya! ^^ Teisuka

  3. Dear Teisuka.....Interesting book never read before hope everything is good around you and beloved one happy day, greeting from Windy City -ORD / Tze

    1. Dear Tze,

      你好! So glad to see you here and nice to get greetings from the "Windy City". Thank you, brother. I'm okay and happy. And I wish you all the best – love, health, wealth, and happiness! 保重! :)


  4. Hi Teisuka,

    Thank you for sharing this very interesting story. Never heard of it before, haha...May you be always guided by the Guardian Angel so that you will enjoy joy and peace forever.

    Hope everything is going well for you. How's the weather now in your area? It's pretty hot here in New York City, so I've been feeling listless lately. Probably I need a vacation now. :-)

    I've also been bothered by anxiety and worries recently. Maybe I have anxiety disorder? I'm not sure, but I do need to calm down more. I pray that I can have a peace of mind. Please also pray for me.

    Hope you are enjoying your summer now. Blessings to you! :-)


    1. Hello, Mr. Bao.

      Many thanks for your message and good wishes, and sorry for my late reply. The last few days, I've been busy, but now it's Sunday – thank God. :)

      I'm mostly okay, thank you for asking. This summer has been very rainy in Finland (just like last summer, too), but I can handle with that. For me, the rain is better than hot weather. Haha.

      I hope you will feel better soon, my friend. It seems you really need a vacation, and hopefully you will get it. I'm so sorry to hear, you have been bothered by anxiety and worries recently. If you think you have an anxiety disorder, you should go to the doctor. They'll give a good drugs or medicines that can help. Also religion and exercise can help us in that case. I know that... I can also give you two comforting Bible quotes – this is a good medicine for the soul:

      "the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" (Psalm 34:18).

      "cast all your anxiety on him [God] because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7).

      Enjoy the summer, my friend! Surely, I will remember you and your family in my prayers. Blessings and all the best to you! Let's keep in touch. :-)


    2. Hi Teisuka,

      Thank you for your comforting quotes from the Bible. They do make me feel better. And I'm going to see a doctor next week, hopefully he can prescribe some good medication or give me some effective therapy.

      Also thank you for keeping me and my family in your prayers. You are really a great friend to me! Again, wish you all the best! :-)


    3. Hi again, Bao! ^^/

      I'm really glad to hear that those comforting quotes from the Bible made you feel better and you are going to see a doctor. I'm sure you will find the help, my dear friend. I have no doubt about it. All is in the hands of a good God. The Apostle Paul says, "we know that in ALL THINGS God works for the good of those who love him" (Romans 8:28). Be blessed, dear friend of mine – as you are! And many thanks for your kind words and good wishes to me! :)

      Best greetings to New York from sunny Finland,


  5. ⋰⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱ I ƜƗŞĦ ϒƠƲ Â⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱⋱
    ⋰⋱ ▓▄▓.▓▀▓.▓▀▓.▓▀▓.▓▄▓⋰⋱
    ⋰⋱ ▓▀▓.▓▀▓.▓▀▀.▓▀▀.─▓.⋰⋱Weekend.... Come here to read your great post tonight... LOL... sorry for not come here to often... Anyway... Great post... have a great weekend Teisukasan....

    1. LOL ^^ Thank you very much, Shawn-san! Always glad to get your happy greetings. :) Thank you for visiting my blog. Happy weekend and all the best to you, my friend! :) Blessings from hot and sunny Finland, Teisuka
