Saturday, August 17, 2013

An Accident Can Be a Blessing in Disguise

My crutches. Note a little Orthodox Icon print on the wall, 'Trinity'
by Andrei Rublev. Background you can see my living room.

Last Wednesday, I slightly injured. What happened? It was an assault. I was sitting on a terrace of the local pub, when some stranger (a huge fat junkie, a real lunatic!) suddenly attacked me. I managed to avoid the hits, but I fell and I hurt my knee very badly. A situation was over so quickly, I didn't even fully understand what happened. I was also drunk. The next day, I went to the doctor. A meniscus in my right knee is injured. Knee is very painful and bloated. I'm limping now, and I have to use crutches for one or two weeks.

This was a humiliating experience, and I think I learnt something about it. Anyway, I have a clear conscience because I didn't hit anyone. I never do that. A Finnish pubs can be a dangerous places sometimes... And this pub is not my place from now – not anymore. To be honest, I spent there too much time recently (it is a karaoke bar). After all, I can see "the God's hand" or Divine providence in this accident. It is time for me to turn my back on pubs. It's more safe to sing karaoke at home – and hey, I am not even good singer. (^_^)

Finally, I want to add here one heavenly beautiful and soothing Russian Orthodox song titled «Слава Богу за всё», English: "Thank God for everything." Performer is Choir of the Nuns of Saint Elisabeth Convent (Свято-Елисаветинский монастырь). This kind of music brings me comfort and peace of mind. Hope you like it too. There is one touching sentence in this song, «Слава Богу за скорбь и за радость», English: "Thank God for sorrow and joy." I agree with this attitude. We should accept everything that God gives us... Sometimes an accident can be a blessing in disguise. Blessings to all.



  1. It is terrible! :( What did he want this fat junkie? To fight a duel with You or he is always knocking somebody about? I wish You to recover as soon as possible! The song is wonderful!

    1. Blessings from Moscow..

    2. Hello Victor,

      Many thanks for your comment and good wishes. Большое спасибо! There were two "nutcases" on a terrace, and I think they just wanted to brutalize some people. Because there were no sense at all in their behavior. Another of them hit one older man to his head with a fist, just because this old man smiled! It was a horrible and really dangerous situation. Again, thank you for your kind visit and good wishes, and blessings to you, my friend.


  2. Dear brother!

    I hope your knee is getting better soon. Those people were idiots :/ Lao Tzu said: "Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself."

    - Tenchu

    1. Dear my little sister Tenchu,

      Thank you very much for your good wishes, I really appreciate it! So good to see you here. :) I completely agree with Lao Tzu's words and the soft philosophy of Tao Te Ching. A man reaps what he sows, indeed, and "the boomerang" will always come back...

      Hugs back to you, my dear Bushi-PikaChu! You too, be well and take good care of yourself. You are dear to me, little sister! -^^-


  3. Dear AkiKara-san

    After reading this, I agree with you. The situation was indeed very volatile. Violent drunkards are a must to avoid! This unprovoked attack acted as your wake-up call? I agree, too!

    Take care, Tembo-san, and odaijini shite kudasai!

    - The Kunoichi

    1. Dear Michiko The Kunoichi-chan,

      Thank you very much for visiting here and for your kind comment and good wishes. I really appreciate it. You are right, the situation was very volatile, and it is better to avoid the violent drunkards, especially if they are also junkies (drug addicts)!

      Again, thank you for being here, dear Kunoichi-chan. You too, be well and take care. Suteki na shuukan o sugoshi te kudasai! -^^-

      Tembo aka 'Aki Kara'

  4. I remember when someone tried to punch me in that same pub couple of years ago. Not a very nice place, lots of bad people hanging around. I hope you'll recover soon.

    - Your old neigbour Doyle

    1. Aa, "mistel" Doyle! :D

      Glad to see you here, my old good neighbour! Thanks a lot for visiting and for your good wishes. You're right about that pub. I remember your experience... Sometimes I hate how this city is so violent. *sigh* Better to stay home, at least in the evening time and night time. I think I've learnt my lesson.

      Again, thanks for being here, buddy. All the best to you, and hope to see you soon! :)


  5. Hi Teisuka,
    Sorry for not checking your new blog article until now, and sorry for the incident. Hope you feel much better now and will fully recover soon. Actually I was very surprised (almost shocked) by this unfortunate episode. Originally I thought the town where you live should be a peaceful place where people are nice to one another since this is not a big city like New York, London or Paris, where crime rate is kind of high. So there are troublemakers everywhere, and we've got to be careful. I think it's definitely a good idea for you to stay away from that pub and sing karaoke at home. Singing is good to a person's health, and I used to sing a lot at home. -:) Of course, the downside of singing at home is that you don't get applause (unless it's from yourself or the karaoke machine. ) For Chinese people, we usually invite people to home and sing together, in this way you will definitely get applause even if you're really a bad singer. -:) But I think you sing pretty well. Ha ha...

    Also thank you for sharing the soothing Russian Orthodox song, which I'm listening to while I'm writing this reply. I also like the touching sentence in the song: "Thank God for sorrow and joy." I think we all should have this attitude toward life. With this attitude, we will be more thankful, and thus feel happier. Everything in our life is in God's plan, so we just embrace everything the comes our way, whether it's good or bad. I know it's hard to accept bad things, but I suppose if we surrender and leave everything to God, we will feel more at ease and even have a peaceful mind. That's what I have been trying to do, but of course, it takes time for me to really have that kind of attitude, and I'm far from there yet. But I think I will keep trying...

    Thank you for sharing something in your life with us. I will keep you in my prayers, and wish you all the best in your recovery. There is a Chinese saying that goes like this: "there will rainbows right after storms. " I'm sure you will see these rainbows! Blessings to you and wish you a great new week. -:)

    1. Hi Bao,

      Thank you very much for your wonderful comment and blessings, my friend! I always love to read your wise and deep thoughts, or like we use to say, "stream of consciousness". :)

      At the moment, my knee feels a little better, and I hope it will fully recover. But it possibly need to go a surgery at some later date. Oh yes, there are hotheads and nutcases everywhere, all around this planet. Sad but true. Actually, the area where I live is called 'The Wild West of Finland', and I think it tells something... Violent crime rate is quite high in Finland.

      By the way, Chinese style home karaoke sounds more safe and nice. That's also my choice in the future. :) I'm glad you also like that Russian Orthodox song.

      You wrote, "Everything in our life is in God's plan, so we just embrace everything the comes our way, whether it's good or bad. I know it's hard to accept bad things, but I suppose if we surrender and leave everything to God, we will feel more at ease and even have a peaceful mind." Amen to this, brother! This is so well said, and I completely agree with you. To accept everything what comes, it brings the peace of mind... And we know, there is a same attitude in Buddhism.

      Again, thank you for your kind visit and prayers, Bao. I will also remember you and your wife in my prayers (just today, few hours ago, I prayed for your family). I like the Chinese sayings and proverbs, and I'm waiting for my "rainbow" after storm... :)

      Blessings to you, my friend, and have a great new week ahead!

