Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Collected Poems, Vol. 1

From time to time, I've published my poems here on my blog, but few days ago, I removed them. I wanted to put them all to one article. So these are my previous poems, plus two unreleased. The last poem is brand new. I wrote it yesterday.

A Finnish Waka Poem

Kuin koira
mies katsoo naista
suoraan silmiin
odottaen rakkautta,
ja nainen heltyy.

The English translation:

Like a dog
a man looks at a woman
straight in the eyes
waiting for love,
and the woman relents.


A Lonely Flower

A lonely flower
in the moonlight,
sleepless all the night.
Owl on the branch
in his dream
turns to right.

(24th of October, 2011)

To the Girl Whom I Love

Her heart is a garden where
most beautiful flowers grow.
More lovely than that - there
in the world isn't known.

(19th of January, 2012)

A Russian Poem About Yearning

Я скучаю по ней ужасно,
как нет никакой надежды в мире.
День, когда она придет,
она делает мир улыбкой.

The English translation:

I miss her terribly,
like there is no hope in the world.
A day when she comes,
it makes the world smile.

(7th of August 2012)

For the Eyes Which I Love

All beauty I see in this world reminds me of her:
funny clouds in the sky, lovely flowers in the garden,
little birds and bugs, snowflakes, and everything.
Because she taught me to see that all through her eyes.
Her shiny, beautiful eyes - may they be blessed forever.

(9th of August 2012)

Dream of the Moonlight Night

Tonight, we are far from each other
looking at the Moon up in the sky,
like a yearning in our hearts
it's the same, common to us.

Tonight, along the Moonbeam
we'll meet in a joint dream
and fly at the speed of light -
just me and my angel girl.

(28th of September, 2012)

A Finnish Wintry Poem

Sinua kohti, sinua, rakkaani
olen kääntänyt sydämeni,
kaiken hellän ja lämpimän
mitä minusta löytyy.

Sinua kohti, sinua, enkelini
minä lennän unissani
yksin talvisessa yössä,
kunnes kotisi löytyy.

The English translation:

Towards you, you my love
I have turned my heart,
all gentle and warm
what can be found about me.

Towards you, you my angel
I'm flying in my dreams
alone in the wintry night,
until your home will be found.

(26th of October, 2012)

Drop By Drop

The angel has landed, laughter with her.
Bright is the night, a world with no shadows.
Love is a smile on the face of the time.
"Tick tock", it says and means:
"Wait, wait, drop by drop
happiness is raining down."

(7th of November, 2012)


  1. Hi Teisuka,
    Thank you for sharing all these beautiful and romantic poems. Thay are quite soothing, and uplifting at the same time. I believe that finding one's true love is the most satisfying thing in one's life. May you be blessed with your true love.:) Thanks again and have a nice weekend!

    1. Hi Bao,

      Thank you very much for your kind words and encouraging feedback. I really appreciate that you are the faithful visitor on my blog. :)

      I agree with you: "Finding one's true love is the most satisfying thing in one's life". Amen! Actually, I believe that love is the meaning of life. Only if you love somebody, you are really alive. This is my life philosophy.

      You too, be blessed with your true love, my friend, and have a good weekend! :)

  2. Ohhh.. to be young and in love! -^^-
    Tembo-san.. thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts!
    〈( ^.^)ノヘ( ^.^)ノ 〈( ^.^)ノヘ( ^.^)ノ
    Dancing here, too lol
    - Michiko

  3. Dear Michiko-chan,

    Haha. Thank you for your cheerful visit. I really appreciate it. -^^- Yes, I decided to re-release my modest poems. I think it is sometimes healthful to open our heart, even without the response. Anyway, writing poems can be just good therapy or practice. ^^
    It's raining here at the moment, so I'm dancing in the rain like this:
    ┗(^o^)┐ヘ( ^.^)ノ
    I wish you wonderful week, dear Michiko-chan! ✿⊱╮

    Warm greetings from chilly land,

  4. Dear Tembo-san

    'Nothing is so strong as Gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real Strenght.'

    That's YOU! -^^- Talk again soon, yah?

    Sending warm hugs from Japan, my brother!

    - Michiko

    1. "Nothing is so strong as Gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real Strenght."

      Ah, I really like this citation! Yes, I think it is fit for me. Thank you very much, dear Michiko-chan! You're so sweet. ^^

      I also like and agree these two (similar) aphorisms:

      "For when I am weak, then am I strong." (The Bible)

      "The weak overcomes the strong; the soft overcomes the hard." (Tao Te Ching)

      Amen for this. Again, thank you very much, Bonnie-chan, for your warm greetings and wise words. I really appreciate that. Hugs and blessings to Japan! (^—^)

      P.S. I'm collecting aphorisms, just like my mother did. Haha. For example, I have many good Chinese proverbs. ^^

