Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Has Come to Finland

Greetings from very sunny and warm Finland! I just came from the beach. It was the sixth time this spring when I was swimming. Weather is really nice, temperature is 25 ºC (77 ºF). The sun is shining almost without a break. Lenght of day is now over 19 hours, so we have no night at all. I add here some photos which I have taken from my hometown. Pictures are not brand  new, I took them some years ago but in the same time of year. (Click the photos to see them bigger.) I hope you like my city. ( ̄ー ̄) Teisuka

 View from the tower of the church.

 The river flows through the city. Water is very clean.

 My favorite swimming place. This picture is taken from the pier.

Beautiful birch trees on the river bank.

Summer nights are light. Night view from my balcony.

The hot air balloon and powered paraglider in
flight. The photo is taken from my balcony.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Darkness of Summer


What a sorrow: the church had burned
with all its beautiful icons!

False faces of beauty have faded away
and the rain clouds roll over the city.

The nightingales have left the heart of the park,
a man is sitting on the bench like an empty shell.

Now the three great are gone,
and the greatest of those was love.

A prose poem by Teisuka (May 23, 2013)

A later addition (May 27). This gloomy and symbolical prose poem was written in the moment of grief and weakness. It based what I have experienced, but it is not intended to take too literally.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 8, the Double Anniversary - David Wong and Teresa Teng

R.I.P. 安息
David Wong (February 1, 1954 - May 8, 2011)
Teresa Teng (January 29, 1953 - May 8, 1995)

Our friend David Wong died two years ago, on the same day as his favorite singer Teresa Teng. David's channels are still exist on YouTube, Gonenow2007 and Bernardf372. Please visit there and send him some good thoughts and prayers. David was a great guy, and Teresa Teng was the greatest female singer ever. May 8 is an anniversary day for both of them. May their souls rest in peace.

It was a strange coincidence that David died on the same day as his favorite singer. In November 2010, doctor found cancer in David. On 1st of January 2011, he lost his another foot in operation at the hospital. Then David died on 8th of May, 2011 in Hong Kong...

Later I heard that David became a Christian on his deathbed. Just like Teresa Teng was a Buddhist orginally, but she was baptised a Christian when she was still child or student. If you want to know more about Teresa's religion, click here.

Please see this video, 天路 索朗旺姆 ~ A Road in Heaven (click the name of the song) and video above, 漫步人生路 鄧麗君 (Teresa Teng - Walk Through the Road of Life). Both these videos were uploaded by David in 2008. Thank God, his videos are still available! For us, his friends, his videos are like a memorial sites, the places we can visit from time to time.

David, we still remember you, and we miss you so much. We will never forget you. Sleep well, buddy. We will see in Heaven... For me, you are a role model as a man: to live for something, to die for something!


A later addition: please check out the memorial video made by Michiko-chan (below).

'Wall-E' was David's nickname. He used this picture on his
channel before. Rest in peace, dear 'Wall-E'. We miss you.

To The Memory Of David Wong, video made by
Michiko-chan (AliceNine2008).