Saturday, March 21, 2015

Becoming a Member of the Patriotic Association

The Finnish dragoons in the city of Lappeenranta, in 1999.

Just a short update this time, since I have some news to tell. One week ago, I became a member of The Dragoon Guild (Finnish: Rakuunakilta). The Finnish Dragoon squadron exists in conjunction with the Army Academy in Lappeenranta and continues the tradition of the former 1. Squadron of the Uusimaa Dragoon battalion.

The Uusimaa Dragoon battalion was formed during the Finnish Civil War in 1918 at this city where I live. General Mannerheim (1867-1951) called it "my regiment". The Dragoon Guild is a proud traditional association for the patriotic men. You can find their website here (click the blue word).

Well, I have no horse and I am not even a cavalryman (my military rank is a jaeger or light infantryman), so I think I am more like a supporting member in this association. Anyway, I am glad to be a member in "Mannerheim's regiment"!  ( ̄ー ̄)

By the way, my ancestor was a Swedish sergeant  who came to Finland in 1721, after The Great Northern War. In that war, Finnish dragoons were usual. The first Finnish dragoons (also called as hakkapeliittas) were in the service of King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden during the Thirty Years' War (1618 to 1648).


A legendary Finnish General Mannerheim was a cavalryman
all his life. Before he returned back to his homeland, he served
a long time in the Chevalier Guard regiment, in Russia.

An old drawing of the Finnish "hakkapeliitta"
or cavalryman in the 17th century.