Thursday, September 5, 2013

My "Pilgrimage" to Vaasa

Мое «паломничество» в Вааса...

Me and the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church. Photo by Gilmore.
Я и Православная церковь Св. Николая Чудотворца.

On Wednesday, I visited Vaasa, my favorite city in Finland. It was a great and significant day for me. After a long time, I met a dear friend of mine. In the evening, I attended the church service in the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church.

I have a period of "catechumenate" (оглашенные) now. It means a lot of teaching, reading, and visits to the church. I enjoy this period of my life! (^ ^) After the catechumenate time, I'll become a full member of the Orthodox Church.

Spiritually and theologically, I actually am an Orthodox Christian already, but not an official member yet. This has been a long journey, and it is still in progress. I feel like I'm on my way to find the place where I belong... Конечная цель путешествия... монастырь?

I put here some photos from my short trip. (Click the pictures to see them bigger.)

Blessings to all. (^—^)


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 "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. cup overflows." (Psalm 23)

 «Он покоит меня на злачных пажитях и водит меня к водам тихим, подкрепляет душу мою. ...чаша моя преисполнена.» (Псалом 22)

A view from the inside of the church. Photo by Teisuka.

Me praying in the church. (This picture is taken last summer
in the same church.) Photo by Gilmore.

The Orthodox book that I bought from Vaasa,
titled Father Amvrosy of Optina. My dear friend
Nika told me about this holy man some months
ago, and now I found this interesting book.

In the evening, when I returned home, the train was
almost empty. But my heart was full. Photo by Teisuka.